Freelance Reality
Well, well, well, the realities of being a writer, full-time professional or freelance writer, can certainly reach out and slap you in the face at times.
As of today, as far as I can tell, my last freelance venue has dried up, no new assignments have come in, the couple of assignments I finished don't appear to be planned to be published and it's a good thing I never actually figured out where any of that money would have gone.
The money is the last thing I figure out because I do have a full-time job and so on, but it was and really still is a major part of me. Among other things, tiredness and lack of inspiration have gotten the best of me and I shouldn't have let that happen, but damn, things look crappy, or at least empty, right now. My web site writing has fallen behind, too.
As of today, as far as I can tell, my last freelance venue has dried up, no new assignments have come in, the couple of assignments I finished don't appear to be planned to be published and it's a good thing I never actually figured out where any of that money would have gone.
The money is the last thing I figure out because I do have a full-time job and so on, but it was and really still is a major part of me. Among other things, tiredness and lack of inspiration have gotten the best of me and I shouldn't have let that happen, but damn, things look crappy, or at least empty, right now. My web site writing has fallen behind, too.
Give yourself a break and take a break. I feel guilty a lot this summer not doing much, but I am feeling refreshed.
Yes, Kevin, hang in there and give yourself a break. I totally understand about tiredness and lack of inspiration -it happens, especially when you're trying to balance a full-time job with creative endeavors!
Thanks for your input, guys, but I look at it as any break/vacation I take from things just sets me back more and buries me under more missed deadlines.
I just wrote something about to be posted to, so hopefully that will get me back on track.
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