Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

This week marks 10 years since I stopped drinking and smoking, changes I never thought I'd make it through, after paying a possibly life-changing visit to the doctor and finding out I had ridiculously high blood pressure, etc.
Somehow, I stopped the booze and smoking (at that stage, close friend Tony Christiano remarked that I had been doing some "championship drinking"), and stopped eating red meat and other foods. Obviously, the changes were not that hard to make and with my brother Brian having died three years before that of an aortic aneurysm (he had high blood pressure and other ailments) at age 37 and my late father Edward having survived open-heart surgery for an aneurysm and also having high blood pressure.
In the 10 years since then, I have gotten my blood pressure under control, my cholesterol levels are good, I feel better and have lost weight. Of course, the best thing to happen to me in the last 10 years, which keeps me feeling better and makes my life much better, is falling in love with and marrying Val.
Happy Thanksgiving, kind readers.


Blogger mark said...

The same day I read this I was looking for something in the attic and I found my old camera bag. I reached in the front pocket and found a pack of Camel's with 2 smokes left in it! The pack had a price sticker for $1.85 on it. I quit smoking about 14-15 years ago, it has been so long I can't even remember anymore... the smokes were in the camera case for that long... it was weird to find them. There was probably a day when I was frantically looking for those last 2 smokes and I had to go out a buy a new pack since I couldn't find them.

It is good not to smoke, we both might live a few years longer, eh?

8:36 PM  

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