Friday, November 28, 2008

Back in the Work Day Groove

But at least Thanksgiving was a good day Thursday, especially when Val got out of work and arrived at her sister Tricia and brother Brad's house for dinner.
My mother Sheila joined us and others for a great Thanksgiving dinner, dessert and tons of conversation, and were got back home happily full and with leftover turkey. Ah, dark meat turkey sandwiches ...
I was out of the house a couple of other times yesterday, the first to take Walker Evans on a quite lengthy walk, with the weather basically being very accommodating. The second was a mission of mercy of sorts; I went out to buy one of the VERY few things non-food that one would actually leave the house on an exclusive mission for at about 12:30 p.m.
But it's off to work today; no, we only get one day off for Thanksgiving, and no, after working in retail for many years (sales and lower management), I don't miss not being out there on Black Friday.


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