An Oldie But Goodie Poster

This is the kind of stuff one finds when years and years of memories and memorabilia (often a nice way of saying junk) are received/dumped on you. And yes, I mean the poster, not my grim visage.
This Fleshtones concert poster from their July 19, 1983, Buffalo State College show was also the debut show for Nullstadt, then a two-piece (David Kane and Stephen Collins) if I remember correct, or was it a three-piece (Kane,Collins and Donald Kinsman)? I don't remember who did this poster (Michael Graphix? David Meinzer?), so if anyone knows, please drop me a line.
It is one of the posters I have proudly kept over the years and will keep for as long as I remain a music geek and chronicler of sorts of Buffalo's original music community. I have a few more in store for you in the coming weeks.
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