Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Crawling from the Wreckage

Ah, musical metaphor time; I am feeling a lot better after a four-day bug sapped my appetite, energy and at times body temperature, and Val is on her way to recovery from what doctors determined to be pneumonia on top of bronchitis (all of this following a multiple sclerosis episode).
While I did not miss any deadlines, this damn bug has really eaten into time I was using to prepare and write a cover letter and revise my resume to send in to two (and now at least three) prime job prospects.
This health crap carved into some of my freelance writing attempts and submissions, including my reviving of "The Hosey Report," but that is secondary at this point. Hopefully, this increased hunger and strength gain will continue.
Walker Evans was a bit upset, though; Saturday, I was so freaking weak that I had to tell him I couldn't take him on his walk that day; we returned to our schedule Sunday, but he is still a little sore.


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