Monday, January 08, 2007

How Much Is That Dio in the Elfin Boots?

I think it is he, but I have to ask you kind readers; is the person singing the somewhat heavy metal song in the Domino's Pizza television commercial our favorite height-challenged, shrieking, pompous, second-best singer Black Sabbath ever had from Central New York, Ronnie James Dio?
The singer and the band sound a bit like Blackie Lawless and WASP to me at first, but the song quickly becomes a relative Dio sound-alike, if not actually Dio himself. While an Internet search did not come up with the answer, it did show that Dio, while singing and playing bass in an earlier band, recorded a live album at Domino's in Cortland, NY.
The singing in the commercial scares me, as does my almost immediate recognition of Dio and reminder of WASP.


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