Tuesday, November 14, 2006

To Sleep, Perchance to Snore

Readers here know that Val is currently working an overnight shift at her technical place of employment (8 p.m.-6:30 a.m. four days a week) for the first time in 10-15 years, and it has thrown her sleeping schedule off, among other things.
One thing that her new schedule has unexpectedly thrown off is my sleeping schedule. I need 4-5 hours of sleep a night and I can sleep just about anywhere at any time, and if my sleep is interrupted into two different sections, it doesn't bother me (this surprises and annoys people). But I have been both unable to fall asleep for hours while in bed without Val and the sleep I do get is nowhere as deep or restful. Even having Walker Evans balled against my legs at the end of the bed or even in the middle of the bed have helped little.
Let's face it: I miss Val sleeping next to me and feel a world better when she is there. I have told her how cute she looks when she is asleep, but I didn't know how much worse it would be without her four nights a week. Call me a baby or whatever; I know what I like.
Of course, I'm still good at falling asleep on the couch watching Monday Night Football alone or Antiques Roadshow with Val.


Blogger All Things Jennifer said...

Aw. :) The best kind of baby.

7:49 AM  

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