Friday, November 03, 2006

Sex, Bongs and Shuffle Ball Change?

While driving home from my hair cut/head shearing late this afternoon, I took Elmwood Avenue from Hertel Avenue to home in the Elmwood Village.
Located on that route, on the river side of Elmwood Avenue between Hertel Avenue and Great Arrow Drive, is one of those large adult stores that sells adult DVDs it advertises with lengths of 6, 12 and 18 hours (18 hours? Aren't your hands raw by then?) and has several "Adult DVDs" signs out front, as the building is a bit off the road. When I drove by today, I saw, surrounded by the "Adult DVDs" signs, one of those sign boards with black letters that lay on ridged shelves. The sign read: "All New Smoking Accessories and Dance Shoes."
I guess I'm not up on my current sexually explicit media and materials, so I'm asking those who are, is this a common blend? Mark and Kevin from Bfloblog, I'm looking for some help and wisdom.


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