Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting in Those Last Rounds

As Walker Evans and I visitied the neighborhood during his late-afternoon walk yesterday, we encountered a trio of gentlemen in the late-20s/early-30s age range getting out of their car and entering a house on Ashland Avenue.
They were each carrying their golf bags, full of clunking drivers, wedges and putters, and still taking practice swings as their walked up the driveway and into the house. It seems that a modicum of sun and temperatures barely making it into the 50s are enough to get people onto the links.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! I simply wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and about life back in Buffalo. I love hearing about "Walker Evans" and your thoughts on various issues. I think your wife is an amazing individual from the strength and grace she exhibits with MS. As I catch up on my daily 'web' reading, I always look forward to your blog. Best wishes, Kim Harris

10:13 PM  
Blogger Kevin J. Hosey said...

Kim - I'm sorry it took me this long to respond. Thank you very much for your kind remarks about this blog. I hope these little pieces of life in Buffalo remain entertaining and/or enlightening.

Yes, Val is amazing with how she handles her MS; along with the strength and grace she shows every day is the heart of a fighter. She never has and never will take this laying down and she also refuses to let it define her. I am impressed and encouraged day after day by how she lives with MS but is not imprisoned by it.

As Val says, Walker Evans is our boy; he turns 11 next month, but he also refuses to accept this and remains a puppy at heart.

Me? I'm an egotistical goofball who at least has some talent writing.

10:53 PM  

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