Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Freaking Nose and Sinuses

No, I don't have a cold or allergies kicking up, but I have been delayed this morning because of a nose bleed, something I used to get a lot of until my high blood pressure was diagnosed and I started taking medication for it.
But I still get occasional ones, as the one I got while I toweled off after my shower about a half-hour or so ago. It wasn't too heavy, but I am wearing a white shirt, so I had to make sure it completely stopped before I put the shirt on. This meant that I had to go downstairs to start my coffee and the dog's food without a shirt on; as well as scaring any early-rising neighbors, it was pretty invigorating.
My sinuses acting up like this usually mean that there is a major change in the air pressure and probably precipitation coming, so let's see how the crimson barometer does today.


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