Thursday, May 08, 2008

Door Hanger Irritant, Non-Political Variety

Dear Mr., Mrs. or Ms. National Fuel door-to-door meter reader,
I appreciate your attempts to come to our house to read the meter to more accurately assess our (exorbitant) home fuel/heating bill; really, I do. It isn't like I am encouraging you to leave me those blue-and-white door hangers stating you stopped by and missed me.
But, every time you have come to our house to read our natural gas meter in the last 5, 6, 7, even 8 years, you have done so during the work day, basically 8 a.m-5 p.m. In case no one told you, MOST FREAKING PEOPLE WORK AT THIS TIME. Remember, it is 2008 and all, and unless people are staying home to work out of it or are raising children, they are at their jobs.
Yes, I can read the meter myself and call National Fuel with the results, and indeed, have done so for these same 5, 6, 7, even 8 years. Would it kill you to change some shifts and not waste your time and mine to be able to read the meter?
Kevin J. Hosey


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