Monday, January 28, 2008

Democratic Presidential Candidates: 0-2

The Dunne-Hosey Estates aren't exactly having sparkling results from the original two candidates we have favored in the Democratic Presidential Primaries.
My original candidate, Governor William Richardson, withdrew from the race a couple of weeks ago, and Val's favored candidate, U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, left the primary race last week.
Val has pretty much chosen a candidate she can support for the New York primary and the rest of the race, while I am still making up my mind and checking out all available information before deciding.


Blogger Unknown said...

I was just trying to talk about Richardson the other day. Seems no one out here even knows who he is. Urgh. My husband, on the other hand, might have a few things to "discuss" with Val about Kucinich. (Think my dad and you discussing politics for an idea.)

Sometimes I feel like a closet liberal out here, at least when I feel like keeping things peaceful. Then again, peace in conversation is highly overrated.

1:14 PM  
Blogger Kevin J. Hosey said...

So sorry to hear you are in the land of GOP, Kim; I know he is a senator in Arizona, but how popular is John McCain? You're right, peaceful conversation is boring conversation, so keep it up.

I guess it's easier out here being in a heavily Democratic city, county and state. Besides Val and I being Democratic committee people in Buffalo, your grandmother is a lifelong Democrat and Val's mother, sister and brother-in-law are all Democratic committee people in Amherst, so we have these kinds of talks all the time.

By the way, Val and I were reading and enjoying your blog yesterday.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

McCain's popularity comes and goes, though I think most people just listen to the thirty-second-or-less snippets about him when deciding. He's clearly more (much more) right wing than is usually discussed, but the "Straight Talk Express" seems to prefer gross overuse of variations on the phrase "reaching across the aisle."

It seems to me that people should've known about Richardson at least, New Mexico being right next to us and all, but no. I heard someone refer to the entire group of candidates a little while back as "Clinton, Obama and that third guy" and "all those Republicans. Wasn't John McCain one?" And then (can I rant on someone else's blog?) say piously that it didn't matter, because they'd be voting Republican regardless, since Biblical adherence is the only issue that really matters. Like ignorance some great virtue.

Agh. Land of GOP indeed.

Glad to hear you enjoy my blog. I always appreciate your commentary. Give my best to Val.

11:09 AM  

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