Sunday, November 09, 2008

Let It Stop, Let It Stop, Let It Stop

I came upstairs at 9:35 p.m. after watching "Family Guy" with Val, when I observed a sight that no doubt struck fear into my heart as much as most Western New Yorkers.
As I climbed the stairs, I kind of looked outside, and thought I saw it, but I wasn't sure; I checked outside the media room window facing the street and yes, indeed, it was there. Snow, wet snow, falling kind of fast and hard and annoying the piss out of me.
I called downstairs to Val to tell her I saw snow; she told me to shut up and that she was in denial over what I said or that any snow would be falling. I then told her that it was raining outside and continued folding the last load of laundry for the night.
At the moment, the snow is not sticking to the ground because it is too warm, but it is sticking to vehicles a bit. I don't like it at all.


Blogger Derek J. Punaro said...

Funny, I had the opposite reaction! I was excited to finally see some snow!

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, "media room" im so sure.

11:27 PM  
Blogger Kevin J. Hosey said...

Heavens knows you'll se more of it at your house than we will, Derek.

Well, we have a television, stereo, two computers, printer, scanner, telephone, tons of other computer and photo equipment, CDs, vinyl, books and comic books in the room, anonymous, so except for my closet, that's what it is.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL My SIL was up visiting from Texas and was so excited to see snow... she was running around outside taking photos of it

9:02 AM  

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