Friday, September 21, 2007

Pick It Up, Doggone It

Among the reasons Val and I, and many of our neighbors, enjoy our neighborhood in our part of the Elmwood Village (Norwood-Ashland-Bryan-Highland-Richmond-Elmwood basic area) so much is that it is truly a dog and dog lovers' neighborhood. Many of us have dogs (lots of multiples), and as Val has pointed out, you very often meet and begin to get to know people by meeting and learning the names of their dogs first.
So it is distressing when some of these neighbors so willfully and obviously violate the most basic codes of respect for others.
I had Walker Evans on his walk late last week (just before I got sick), and we were returning home on Bryant Street, having just crossed Ashland Avenue from in front of Trattoria Aroma. Ahead of us a bit more than a half-block away was a man, a homeowner just about a block or two away, who had his two dogs out, a gorgeous Doberman Pinscher and an older black Labrador. As we are both walking in the same direction, we remain a half-block or so apart until his Labrador stopped and took a poop on a lawn near a garden. Amazingly, the man did not take out a bag or scooper or anything to pick it up, but immediately walked away and crossed Norwood Avenue.
It seems minor to some people, but to us homeowners who pick up after our dogs and take pride in our neighborhoods and our dogs, this is insulting and disappointing.


Blogger Kelly Sedinger said...

You should have followed him to his home, so you know where he lives; and then gone back, picked up the poo, and used his own dog's poo to get him with the old "burning bag of dog poo on the doorstep" gag.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Kevin J. Hosey said...

Damn, why didn't I think of that, Jaquandor? I know where he lives.

Of course, sneaking up on a West Side house with two dogs is easier said than done.

10:41 PM  
Blogger mark said...

I have a guy on my street who thinks he lives in the 1950's... (I am guessing). He just opens his front door, lets his dog out (on it's own!!!) the dog wanders the street, and poops wherever it wants. The dog then walks back home and barks at the door. The guy opens the door and lets the dog it. The dog has never been walked and has free reign to wander where ever he likes... is this unbelievable or what?!

3:36 PM  

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